
Archive for April, 2009

A loafer always has the correct time.
– Kin Hubbard

A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.
– Segal’s Law

All great achievements require time.
– Maya Angelou

But at my back I always hear Time’s winged chariot hurrying near.
– Andrew Marvell

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that’s the stuff life is made of.
– Benjamin Franklin

I don’t mind going back to daylight saving time. With inflation, the hour will be the only thing I’ve saved all year.
– Victor Borge

I gotta work out. I keep saying it all the time. I keep saying I gotta start working out. It’s been about two months since I’ve worked out. And I just don’t have the time. Which uh..is odd. Because I have the time to go out to dinner. And uh..and watch tv. And get a bone density test. And uh.. try to figure out what my phone number spells in words.
– Ellen DeGeneres

I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.
– William Shakespeare

I would I could stand on a busy corner, hat in hand, and beg people to throw me all their wasted hours.
– Bernard Berenson

I’ve been on a calendar, but never on time.
– Marilyn Monroe

If you don’t have time to do it right you must have time to do it over.
– Anonymous

In reality, killing time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which Time kills us.
– Osbert Sitwell

It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take Hofstadter’s Law into account.
– Hofstadter’s Law

Live not as though there were a thousand years ahead of you. Fate is at your elbow; make yourself good while life and power are still yours.
– Marcus Aurelius Antonius

No story is the same to us after a lapse of time; or rather we who read it are no longer the same interpreters.
– George Eliot

The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life. — (Sometimes a Little Brain Damage Can Help, 1984)
– George Carlin

The days of the digital watch are numbered.
– Tom Stoppard

The obscurest epoch is to-day.
– Robert Louis Stevenson

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
– Bertrand Russell

There’s time enough, but none to spare.
– Charles W. Chesnutt

Three o’clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.
– Jean-Paul Sartre

Time and Tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of thirty.
– Robert Frost

Time as he grows old teaches all things.
– Aeschylus

Time crumbles things; everything grows old under the power of Time and is forgotten through the lapse of Time.
– Aristotle

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
– Groucho Marx

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
– Hector Berlioz

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
– Douglas Adams

Time is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all our possessions.
– John Randolph

Time is bunk.
– Douglas Adams

Time is nature’s way of keeping everything from happening at once.
– Woody Allen

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
– Carl Sandburg

Time is the only critic without ambition.
– John Steinbeck

Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.
– Peter F. Drucker

Time is what prevents everything from happening at once.
– John Archibald Wheeler

Time may be a great healer, but it’s also a lousy beautician.
– Anonymous

Time sometimes flies like a bird, sometimes crawls like a snail; but a man is happiest when he does not even notice whether it passes swiftly or slowly.
– Ivan Turgenev

Time will explain it all. He is a talker, and needs no questioning before he speaks.
– Euripides

Time! Joyless emblem of the greed of millions, robber of the best which earth can give.
– Amy Lowell

Time’s fatal wings do ever forward fly; to every day we live, a day we die.
– Thomas Campion

Time’s fun when you’re having flies. (Kermit the Frog)
– Jim Henson

When I give a lecture, I accept that people look at their watches, but what I do not tolerate is when they look at it and raise it to their ear to find out if it stopped.
– Marcel Achard

Why are our days numbered and not, say, lettered?
– Woody Allen

Yes, time flies. And where did it leave you? Old too soon…smart too late.
– Mike Tyson

You can take of a man’s money, but when it’s all said and done, you’ve only taken his money. When you take of a man’s time, you’ve taken a part of his life. I’d like to thank you for giving me a part of your life tonight.
– Wayne Newton

You know, sometimes, when they say you are ahead of your time, it’s just a polite way of saying you have a real bad sense of timing.
– George McGovern

You know, sometimes, when they say you’re ahead of your time, it’s just a polite way of saying you have a real bad sense of timing.
– George McGovern

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