
Archive for March, 2011

Leonard Cohen

“Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.”

“The last refuge of the insomniac is a sense of superiority to the sleeping world.”

Leonard Cohen favorite music

“When you’ve fallen on the highway
and you’re lying in the rain,
and they ask you how you’re doing
of course you’ll say you can’t complain —
If you’re squeezed for information,
that’s when you’ve got to play it dumb:
You just say you’re out there waiting
for the miracle, for the miracle to come.”
(Waiting for the Miracle)

“And I’ll dance with you in Vienna,
I’ll be wearing a river’s disguise.
The hyacinth wild on my shoulder
my mouth on the dew of your thighs.
And I’ll bury my soul in a scrapbook,
with the photographs there and the moss.
And I’ll yield to the flood of your beauty,
my cheap violin and my cross.”
(Stranger Music: Selected Poems and Songs)

“Here’s to the few who forgive what you do, and the fewer who don’t even care”

“Children show scars like medals. Lovers use them as a secrets to reveal. A scar is what happens when the word is made flesh.”
(The Favorite Game)

“As our eyes grow accustomed to sight they armour themselves against wonder. ”
(The Favorite Game)

“Avoid the flourish. Do not be afraid to be weak. Do not be ashamed to be tired. You look good when you’re tired. You look like you could go on forever. Now come into my arms. You are the image of my beauty .”

“… i didn’t fall in love of course
it’s never up to you
but she was walking back and forth
and i was passing through”
(Book of Longing)

“I don’t consider myself a pessimist. I think of a pessimist as someone who is waiting for it to rain. And I feel soaked to the skin.”

“first of all nothing will happen
and a little later
nothing will happen again”

“Don’t call yourself a secret
unless you mean to keep it.”

“You go your way
I’ll go your way too”

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